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Y-Axis Rotation Matrix

This example generates a rotation matrix that rotates a vector about the y-axis by a specified angle.

from csdl_om import Simulatorfrom csdl import Modelimport csdlimport numpy as np

class ExampleScalarRotY(Model):
    def define(self):        angle_val3 = np.pi / 3
        angle_scalar = self.declare_variable('scalar', val=angle_val3)
        # Rotation in the y-axis for scalar        self.register_output('scalar_Rot_y',                             csdl.rotmat(angle_scalar, axis='y'))

sim = Simulator(ExampleScalarRotY())
print('scalar', sim['scalar'].shape)print(sim['scalar'])print('scalar_Rot_y', sim['scalar_Rot_y'].shape)print(sim['scalar_Rot_y'])
[1.04719755]scalar_Rot_y (3, 3)[[ 0.5        0.         0.8660254] [ 0.         1.         0.       ] [-0.8660254  0.         0.5      ]]